Deezer Shoove » Today, 6:49 am » wrote: ↑
The weird thing is how, as you alluded, immortality for some people is the very reason to believe in God.
Since there doesn't seem to be any conscious knowledge of past lives, then why is that so **** important?
If our souls are immortal and ONE slip up dooms us to hell for eternity, then we're all going to hell eventually.
For sure after a couple hundred "lives", one is bound to be a complete asshole (we're all sinners, ya know).
What separates reason from purpose? Attitude about being alive within the time one has living eternally separated by the moment here their ancestral position is the only time they get since arrived a fertilized cell.
What is the purpose of hope, faith, charity, power, wealth, fame, clocks, calendars, economic theories, social consensus, purgoatory, heaven, hell?.
6 institutional ideologies core of every alternate reality in 5 ancestral lineages and 5 generation gaps throughout history of this species in this atmospehre so far.
How are genetic numbers present naturally alive in series parallel space each equally adapting to the moment since concieved not anniversity to date of birth?
thank you for your perfeted example how mind over matter philsoophies has not only corrupted my own ancestry, but yours as well. I figured it inside out 18 years ago, I resigned from being a pawn in hope, faith, charity in 1982, but my brain was always aware there is no tomorrow 7 days a week and if I don't follow social consensus, I have no change surviving humanity daily being the psychological prey from my own species.